- build
void build(BuildStateGraph graph, BuildContext context)
Traverses the graph, executing the tasks.
- buildDescriptionPath
string buildDescriptionPath(string path)
Returns the path to the build description.
- buildGraph
BuildStateGraph buildGraph(BuildState state, EdgeType type)
Constructs a graph from the build state. Only connected resources are added
to the graph.
- buildGraph
BuildStateGraph buildGraph(BuildState state, Resources resources, Tasks tasks)
Constructs a subgraph from the build state starting at the given roots.
- checkCycles
void checkCycles(Graph!(Resource, Task) graph)
- checkRaces
void checkRaces(Graph!(Resource, Task) graph)
Checks for race conditions.
- explicitGraph
Graph!(Resource, Task) explicitGraph(BuildState state)
Generates the explicit subgraph from the build state.
- findBuildPath
string findBuildPath(string root)
Finds the path to the build description.
- graph
Graph!(Resource, Task) graph(R rules)
Generates a graph from a set of rules.
- queueChanges
void queueChanges(BuildState state, TaskPool pool, TextColor color)
Finds changed resources and marks them as pending in the build state.
- rules
Rules rules(string path)
Parses the build description.
- syncState
void syncState(R rules, BuildState state, TaskPool pool, bool dryRun)
void syncState(string path, BuildState state, TaskPool pool, bool dryRun)
Synchronizes the build state with the given set of rules.
- syncStateImplicit
void syncStateImplicit(BuildState state, Index!Task v, Resource[] inputs, Resource[] outputs)
Syncs the build state with implicit dependencies.
- visitResource
bool visitResource(BuildContext* ctx, Index!Resource v, size_t degreeIn, size_t degreeChanged)
Called when a resource vertex is visited.
- visitTask
bool visitTask(BuildContext* ctx, Index!Task v, size_t degreeIn, size_t degreeChanged)
Called when a task vertex is visited.