Compiles the SQL statement. Values can then be bound to the parameters of the statement using bind.
Bind multiple values to the statement.
Sets all bindings to NULL.
Gets the value of a column.
Gets the values in the row..
Returns true if the column index has a NULL value.
Gets the index of the bind parameter name.
Binds a value to the statement at a particular index. Indices start at 0.
Binds a value by name.
Resets the execution of this statement. This must be called after step returns false.
Steps through the results of the statement. Returns true while there are results or false if there are no more results.
Returns the number of columns in the result set. This number will be 0 if there is no result set (e.g., INSERT, UPDATE, CREATE TABLE).
Returns the internal SQLite3 statement handle. This should only be used if this class does not provide the necessary functionality.
Returns the SQL statement string.
The database is accessed using statements.
First, a statement is prepared from a SQL query. Then, values are bound to the parameters in the statement using bind. Finally, the statement is executed using step.